Fired Up!

The 'F Word' Series: Debunking Myths on Feminism

September 18, 2020 Sheila Bett Season 1 Episode 1

Ep 1: In this new series I'll be talking about the 'F Word', Feminism. A subject I am passionate about and have wanted to cover for a while.

Over the years, I've noticed that the word feminism elicits strong reactions, mostly negative, from both men and women. Many people who speak against feminism have little to no idea of what it really stands for and what it seeks to accomplish. Conversations taking place in online platforms and on social media are usually a reaction to extreme ideas of what this controversial word means.

Through this 3 part series, I hope to introduce naysayers and sceptics to the true idea of feminism; to build an understanding of its true purpose and intent. Something that most of us essentially agree on!

So join me on a journey to debunk myths on feminism, learn more about how it has changed the world we live in, and what more needs to be done to create a world of equality and fairness for all, regardless of gender. Because as Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie says, "We Should All Be Feminists".